Revenue eBrief No. 150/23 – Exchange of Information – Deferral of DAC2-CRS and FATCA filing deadlines

Revenue eBrief No. 150/23

29 June 2023

Exchange of Information – Deferral of DAC2-CRS and FATCA filing deadlines

This e-brief is to inform customers that the filing deadline for DAC2/CRS and FATCA for the 2022 filing period has been deferred from 30 June 2023 to 14 July 2023 due to filing issues in ROS.

Customers can continue to file their returns in ROS and will receive an on screen acceptance message.
Customers may experience a delay in receiving confirmation to their Revenue Record. If this is the case, customers are asked not to refile unless they have not received the confirmation by 7th July.

Our customer service team is available to answer queries:

Via MyEnquiries, selecting AEOI (Automatic Exchange of Information) and DAC2- CRS

or Telephone at +353 42 9353337.

Call now to book a free consultation