Revenue seize contraband worth over €700,000

Revenue seize contraband worth over €700,000 Yesterday (17/05/2023), as a result of routine operations, Revenue officers seized over 752,000 cigarettes at Dublin Port. The cigarettes have an estimated retail value of approximately €594,000, representing a potential loss to the Exchequer of over €465,000. The smuggled cigarettes, branded ‘Dunhill’ and ‘Karelia Blue’, were discovered concealed in […]

Revenue eBrief No. 119/23 – Form IREF

Revenue eBrief No. 119/23 18 May 2023 Form IREF Tax and Duty Manual Part 27-01B-03, which provided details on the changes to Form IREF in June 2021, is no longer relevant and will be archived, because the filing date for such forms has passed.

Revenue eBrief No. 117/23 – Foreign Entity Classification for Irish Tax Purposes

Revenue eBrief No. 117/23 18 May 2023 Foreign Entity Classification for Irish Tax Purposes Where a foreign entity is involved in a transaction the classification of that foreign entity can be central in determining any Irish tax implications. The purpose of Tax and Duty Manual (TDM) Part 35C-00-02 – Foreign Entity Classification For Irish Tax Purposes – is to provide […]