Revenue eBrief No. 074/23 – The provision of staff awards

Revenue eBrief No. 074/23 20 March 2023 The provision of staff awards Tax and Duty Manual Part 05-01-01j – The provision of staff awards, has been updated to provide additional guidance in regard to the tax treatment of the following: In paragraph 2 – examination awards; In paragraph 3 – course/exam fees; and In paragraph 4 – […]

Revenue seize cocaine worth over €2,400,000 at Rosslare Europort

Revenue seize cocaine worth over €2,400,000 at Rosslare Europort Last Saturday (18/03/2023), as a result of routine profiling, Revenue officers seized over 34kgs of cocaine with an estimated value of €2,404,000 at Rosslare Europort. The illicit drugs were discovered with the assistance of Revenue’s mobile X-ray scanner and detector dog Jasper, in the overhead area of […]