Revenue eBrief No. 057/23 – Tax and Duty Manuals Payments on Termination of an Office or Employment or Removal from an Office or Employment and Pensions Manual – Appendix V have been amended

Revenue eBrief No. 057/23

14 March 2023

Tax and Duty Manuals Payments on Termination of an Office or Employment or Removal from an Office or Employment and Pensions Manual – Appendix V have been amended

Tax and Duty Manual (TDM) Part 05-05-19 – Payments on Termination of an Office or Employment or Removal from an Office or Employment – has been updated at paragraph 3.6 to reference Pensions Manual – Appendix V, which contains detailed guidance on how to calculate the Relevant Capital Sum.

Pensions Manual – Appendix V has also been amended as follows:

  • An effective date for this guidance has been included.
  • A reference to the use of this guidance for the purposes of the calculation of the increase in basic exemption has been added.

Pensions Manual – Appendix V should be read in conjunction with TDM 05-05-19.

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