Revenue eBrief No. 194/22 – New Guidelines for the Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS)

Revenue eBrief No. 194/22

27 October 2022

New Guidelines for the Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS)

Revenue has published its guidelines for the Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS).

Sections 87 to 89 of Finance Bill 2022 make provision for the TBESS, which will assist businesses with their electricity or natural gas costs over the winter months. The scheme, which will be administered by Revenue, provides for a cash payment to qualifying businesses.

The scheme will be open to businesses that:

  • are tax compliant,
  • carry on a Case I trade or Case II profession (including certain charities and approved sporting bodies in relation to certain income), and
  • have experienced a significant increase of 50 per cent or more in their natural gas and electricity average unit price between the relevant bill period in 2022 and the corresponding reference period in 2021.

The scheme is designed to be compliant with the EU State Aid Temporary Crisis Framework. This means that EU Commission approval will be required for the scheme before any payments can be made to businesses.

Information on the scheme is contained in the TBESS guidelines. Further information will be published in the coming weeks, including on how businesses can submit claims via Revenue’s Online Service.

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