Revenue eBrief No. 161/22
29 August 2022
Several updates have been made to the MyEnquiries suite of Tax and Duty Manuals (TDMs).
The former Part B has been split in two. Part B is now Submitting and Managing Enquiries in myAccount and a new Part C has been created named Submitting and Managing Enquiries in ROS. As a result, the Parts formerly named C, D and E have been renamed and are now Parts D, E and F respectively.
The main changes in all MyEnquiries TDMs are highlighted below:
Part 37-00-36 – MyEnquiries:
- new paragraph 4 on MyEnquiries Data Retention Policy.
Part 37-00-36A – Access to and Registering for MyEnquiries:
- updates to the myAccount and ROS screens
- new paragraph 3.3 on ‘MyEnquiries auto-registration for new ROS Registrations’
- new paragraph 3.6 on ‘Removing Email Addresses’.
Part 37-00-36B – MyEnquiries: Submitting and Managing Enquiries in myAccount
- this TDM has now separated the myAccount and ROS information into separate TDMS
- new text for introduction, new procedures, automatic generated confirmations and notifications
- screenshots of new screens for PAYE-only customers.
Part 37-00-36C – MyEnquiries: Submitting and Managing Enquiries in ROS
- this TDM information formerly in Part 37-00-36B
- new paragraph 3.3 and screenshot, restoring email addresses to access enquiries under deactivated email.
Part 37-00-36E – Notifications about Enquiries, including tax clearance and eCG50 applications in myAccount
- new screens added for automatic confirmation notifications for submitted enquiries in ROS and myAccount PAYE only
- notifications on requests for clearance in death cases.