Revenue eBrief No. 217/21 – Local Property Tax: implications of sales and transfers of residential properties

Revenue eBrief No. 217/21

26 November 2021

Local Property Tax: implications of sales and transfers of residential properties

Two new Local Property Tax (LPT) Tax and Duty Manuals (TDM’s) have been created to update and replace guidelines published on the Revenue website – “Guidelines for the sale or transfer of ownership of a relevant residential property”.

The material in the first part of these guidelines deals with the requirements for vendors and purchasers in relation to the sale of a property. This material has been incorporated into TDM Local Property Tax Part-04-02 (Change in liable person during a valuation period) which will continue to be relevant in relation to the second valuation period.

The material in the second part of these guidelines deals with the Revenue tax clearance procedures in relation to sales of properties. These clearance procedures will continue to operate until 31 December 2021. They are now contained in TDM Local Property Tax Part 11-01 (LPT clearance procedures on the sale or transfer of residential properties). Revised clearance procedures are being considered in relation to sales of properties after 31 December 2021.

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