Revenue seize over 3 million cigarettes at Rosslare Europort

Revenue seize over 3 million cigarettes at Rosslare Europort

Yesterday (5/10/2021), as a result of routine profiling, Revenue officers seized over 3.3 million cigarettes at Rosslare Europort. The cigarettes, branded ‘JPS Red’, have an estimated retail value of approximately €2.4 million representing a potential loss to the Exchequer of almost €1.9 million.

The illegal cigarettes were discovered when Revenue officers stopped and searched a polish registered road train, and its accompanying trailers, that had disembarked a ferry from Dunkirk, France. The search, which was carried out with the assistance of Revenue’s mobile x-ray scanner led to the discovery of the cigarettes concealed within the load.

A polish national in his 40s was questioned.

Investigations are ongoing.

This seizure is part of Revenue’s ongoing operations targeting the shadow economy and the supply and sale of illegal tobacco products. If businesses or members of the public have any information regarding smuggling, they can contact Revenue in confidence on free phone number 1800 295 295.

[ENDS 06/10/2021]

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