Revenue is hosting an Over 65s – All you need to know about tax
Revenue is hosting an Over 65s – All you need to know about tax event Revenue will be hosting information sessions for people over the age of 65 in April and May. The sessions will be held in Dublin, Louth and Donegal. You must register in advance of attending. The information sessions will cover a […]
PAYE services availability
PAYE services availability Revenue’s PAYE online services will be unavailable from 13:00 on Saturday 02 December 2023 until approximately 18:00 on Sunday 03 December 2023 due to essential maintenance. This will impact our public facing services for PAYE on myAccount and ROS during that period. We regret any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience.
PAYE services availability
PAYE services availability Revenue’s PAYE online services will be unavailable from 20:00 on Saturday 18 November 2023 until 12:00 on Sunday 19 November 2023 due to essential maintenance. This will impact our public facing services for PAYE on myAccount and ROS during that period. We regret any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience.
Revenue Museum on Culture Night Dublin
Revenue Museum on Culture Night Dublin As part of Culture Night Dublin 2023, the Revenue Museum will be open from 16.00 to 21.00 on 22 September. Visitors are welcome to browse at their own pace, as well as avail of regular tours of the exhibits. You will find the Museum on the grounds of Dublin Castle, in […]
Revenue is hosting an 'Over 65s – All you need to know about tax' event
Revenue is hosting an ‘Over 65s – All you need to know about tax’ event Revenue will be hosting information sessions for people over the age of 65 throughout the week commencing the 24 April 2023. The sessions will be held in the Central Revenue Information Office, Cathedral Street, Dublin 1, D01 EF86. You must […]
Revenue survey of PAYE customers
Revenue survey of PAYE customers Revenue’s Economic Research Unit is running a survey of PAYE customers. The purpose of our survey is to further inform our understanding of the issues facing taxpayers and to help us improve the quality of the service we provide to you. If you have been selected for the survey, you […]
Holiday opening arrangements 2022
Holiday opening arrangements 2022 Apart from bank holidays (26 and 27 December and 2 January) Revenue will generally provide normal services over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. Our public offices will remain closed on 28 to 30 December. The Ports and Airports will be open and providing normal service, apart from December 25. […]
ROS login screen update
ROS login screen update ROS is Revenue’s portal to online services for business customers. The ROS login screen will be updated on 3 September 2022. New look “Login” and “Manage My Certificates” screens have been designed to help streamline the login process and provide additional guidance. No changes have been made to the use […]
Changes to the process for closing T2(Union) transit declarations on arrival in France
Changes to the process for closing T2(Union) transit declarations on arrival in France The French customs authorities have made changes to their systems to allow for the closure of the T2 (Union) transit procedure at the French Ports of Calais and Dunkerque. This relates to goods moving on T2 (Union) transit from Ireland directly to […]
Revenue systems issues resolved
Revenue systems issues resolved We are aware that some customers have been experiencing difficulties with our systems. These difficulties have now been resolved. We apologise for the inconvenience caused and we thank you for your patience.